Operations Loans
You can use your Operational Loan to cover day-to-day farm expenses, including the purchase of livestock, seed, fertilizer, feed, the cost of repair and maintenance, rent, and other living expenses.
Your Operational Loan ensures funds are available to meet your ongoing expenses while minimizing your interest costs.
Other Financing Opportunities
Money Financier Bank will assist with Farm Service Agency (FSA) Guaranteed and Direct Loans, and Wisconsin Housing Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) Guaranteed and Direct Loan Packages.
Chattel Loans
Is there a new piece of equipment that would make your job easier and your farm more profitable? Stop wishing and come see us. We have equipment, cattle, and improvement loans with terms ranging from one to ten years.
Equipment Loans
Money Financier Bank is excited to offer a new service. Our customers can now lease equipment and finance the lease through Money Financier Bank. Choose a lease application below to get started.