As a customer of Money Financier Bank, you provide us with important information about yourself. We believe it is our responsibility to safeguard your personal and financial information. We have developed the following privacy policy to ensure you the confidentiality you deserve. We may change some of the provisions listed below from time to time, but we will keep you informed of these changes by providing this notice annually, as well as when you open new accounts with Money Financier Bank. You have our promise that we will adhere to these guidelines. It is our pledge to you.
We encourage you to be an active participant in safeguarding your information. Keep your account numbers in a safe place. Report lost or stolen identification and credit cards and PIN numbers immediately. Never keep your PIN numbers with your PULSE card, check card, or credit card. Keep your mailing address up to date with us. Never give out your account number or credit card number when someone calls you, and always feel free to call Money Financier Bank to verify any request we make of you.
The following privacy policy explains how we use and protect the information about our customers. We ask that you read it carefully. If you have any questions, please call 3.